So, you know how they say you get tired again in the third trimester.... wow, were they right! I'm not quite as tired as I was during the first trimester, but I have been taking a nap pretty much every day because I just can't keep my eyes open. My feet look like bread loaves, however I haven't been able to see them in weeks! ha! People still tell me that I am all belly, and they are SO nice! Sheree said I looked skinny last Sunday, and I wanted to squeeze her so tight.
I went to my first testing session yesterday, and they strapped me with fetal monitors and took my blood pressure. They just recorded his heart rate, and then made him move around to see what his heart rate did then. Everything looked great, and she was happy with how much he was moving around. Then today, Jude and I went in for another ultrasound, and our "little" baby is at 7 1/2 pounds right now (give or take a half a pound) and is in the 90th percentile for his size. I still have lots of fluid, and they just need to make sure that diabetes isn't the reason behind that... which, odds are, it's not because my glucose screening came back normal. So she said it's probably just normal for me to have lots of fluid and a big baby. She is going to tell Dr. Lawton to check for diabetes again, just to make sure, but that I shouldn't worry. I asked her about c-sections and inducing, and her thoughts are that we should just let the baby come when he's ready. Because he's so big, and i have lots of fluid, she's thinking he'll come before his due date anyway... (which is what I'm hoping for). So if i don't deliver in 4 weeks, I am scheduled to see that paranatalogist again, and if the baby is SUPER big by then, she said she will probably recommend a c-section. We got two more pictures of our baby boy... and he is just the cutest thing. This afternoon I've had some cramping, so I'm thinking maybe he's moving down?? Or it might just be in my head, since we've been watching our Lamaze video! ha! I'm going to do what I can to have this baby early... I really would rather NOT have a 10 pound baby, and that's where we're headed if I carry to full-term!
Only two more days of work, and BOY am I ready for maternity leave! This week feels like it's lasted a life time! Jude started painting the baby's room!! And I'm SO excited! We bought the paint on Monday, and he has since locked me out of that room. He said I can't see it until it's done... such a sweetie!
AND next Wednesday, some girlfriends and I are going to Burke Williams! Hooray!
Alright, well, I'm going to go walk around to see if this cramping will stop. I'll keep you posted!
I have to warn you... I probably won't blog as much when I'm on maternity leave, so I apologize ahead of time :)
Have a fabulous rest of the week!
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