5 more weeks to go... if that! Can you believe it? Seems like it went by so fast, but at the same time, I am so looking forward to being able to lay on my stomach again, and being able to bend over and tie my shoes without it being a huge ordeal. Awe, the joys of pregnancy! :) I really can't complain though, I've had a great time being pregnant, and I've really tried to enjoy it to the fullest, because I know it's only a short part of my life, and before I know it, this chapter in my life will be over.
This is my last week of work before maternity leave!! YIPPEE! I'm so excited! Even though I just sit at my desk pretty much all day, my chair gets awfully uncomfortable, and my feet get SO swollen by the end of my work day. And I get so hot in here too! It's just me, because everyone else says they feel fine, while I'm burning up. so annoying!
I had a baby shower at my work last Thursday, and a shower last Saturday at my sister's house! It was so great, and my mom and sister did such a great job of putting everything together!! People are so very generous, really makes me feel loved...sounds silly, but true. My next, and final shower is in two weeks at the Parris Home. I'm looking forward to that as well! All of the wonderful gifts are sitting in our dining room, so hopefully I'll be able to 'nest' and put everything away and get everything ready for our baby boy. Jude and I have been looking at paint colors, so we'll hopefully be able to buy the paint this week! So exciting!
I saw my doctor last week, and she gave me an order for another ultrasound for this week. So I called to make that appointment, and they said because of my fluid levels, I need to go see the paranatologist twice a week to make sure the baby is doing fine in there. Apparently, because of my high fluid levels, it can flatten the placenta, and harm the baby. She said it's always better to have too much fluid, than not enough... and odds are, it will just make me more uncomfortable, BUT, they like to keep an eye on it to make sure. So there's that... and luckily, St. Jude is close to our house, so it's not too far out of the way. I don't know if I talked about this in my last blog entry... but I've come to a resolve about the whole c-section possibility. I'm just going to trust the doctors and as long as I have a healthy baby and I'm alive and well, I'll be happy. And who knows what will happen... but I'm just really at ease about the whole thing... which I think is the best way to be.
Tyquon is going to be moving out this Wednesday, and I have to say, I'm really looking forward to that. Our good friends are taking custody of him, and I really think it's the best place for him right now. Jude and I are looking forward to being his aunt and uncle again, and being a part of his life in that way. I'm looking forward to being able to focus completely on our baby, and the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Jude and I were driving home last night, and he said: Gosh, It's so crazy that we're going to have a baby..." he couldn't have read my mind more clearly! I feel like I've had so much time to mentally 'prepare' for this huge life changing event, but just the last few weeks it's actually started to sink in! It's very real all of a sudden! We went on our Hospital tour last Thursday... and we got the Lamaze DVD that Jude bought for us... which, turns out... very informative! :) I thought that was so cute of him to buy that for us!
Anyway... I think that's it for now :) THANK YOU so much if you were a part of my shower this last weekend! and Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts! I've already started on thank you cards, so hopefully I'll get those out soon!
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