Time just keeps flying by! I can't believe it's getting so close! We had our doctor appointment on Tuesday, and I'm measuring at 35 weeks... and she ordered me an ultrasound to 'chart his growth' and check out his kidneys. Anyway, she said, my due date is pretty right on, I just might have a lot of fluid, OR, I just might have a big baby. So, yesterday we had our ultrasound appointment, and our baby boy is measuring at 36 weeks! yikes! She said, based on our 20 week ultrasound, our due date is probably right, he's just a big boy. She said I do have a lot of fluid, and he's weighing at approximately 6 lbs. Good news, his head is measuring the same as the rest of his body... so that's a relief! She said, I'm probably looking at a nine pound baby at LEAST. She told me to talk to my doctor and see about inducing around 36- or 37 weeks... so we'll see! She checked his kidneys, and they looked totally normal, nothing to worry about. We got a picture, and he looks so cute, I put it in my 'belly book'. She said it is much harder to perform an ultrasound this far along, because he doesn't have much room to be manipulated. She told us that he is in the right position, and everything looks healthy. I'm to call Dr. Lawton on Monday to get further results. :)
So... there you have it. More and more, and epidural doesn't sound so bad after all! Considering we couldn't really afford any classes, I'm feeling a bit unprepared for natural child birth anyway. We'll see what happens. And I'm confidant that my doctor will do what's best for me and the baby, so if that includes a c-section, then so be it.
I'm still feeling good, in terms of pregnancy. My back hurts here and there, but I really can't complain. The thing that baffles me most of the time is how I am out of breath if i walk up a flight of stairs! My feet are swollen, so most shoes aren't as comfortable as they once were. I don't feel as big as i look, which is guess is a good thing...? ha! I will walk past a mirror or something, and I can't believe it's me!
I was looking at some pictures of me and Jude before I got pregnant, about a year before I got pregnant actually... and I'm feeling pretty motivated to lose weight once the baby comes. Of course I'm motivated NOW, when I can't do anything about it! ha! Very convenient don't you think? So we'll see what really happens :)
Anyway... I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I know I will!! :)
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