So, you know how they say you get tired again in the third trimester.... wow, were they right! I'm not quite as tired as I was during the first trimester, but I have been taking a nap pretty much every day because I just can't keep my eyes open. My feet look like bread loaves, however I haven't been able to see them in weeks! ha! People still tell me that I am all belly, and they are SO nice! Sheree said I looked skinny last Sunday, and I wanted to squeeze her so tight.
I went to my first testing session yesterday, and they strapped me with fetal monitors and took my blood pressure. They just recorded his heart rate, and then made him move around to see what his heart rate did then. Everything looked great, and she was happy with how much he was moving around. Then today, Jude and I went in for another ultrasound, and our "little" baby is at 7 1/2 pounds right now (give or take a half a pound) and is in the 90th percentile for his size. I still have lots of fluid, and they just need to make sure that diabetes isn't the reason behind that... which, odds are, it's not because my glucose screening came back normal. So she said it's probably just normal for me to have lots of fluid and a big baby. She is going to tell Dr. Lawton to check for diabetes again, just to make sure, but that I shouldn't worry. I asked her about c-sections and inducing, and her thoughts are that we should just let the baby come when he's ready. Because he's so big, and i have lots of fluid, she's thinking he'll come before his due date anyway... (which is what I'm hoping for). So if i don't deliver in 4 weeks, I am scheduled to see that paranatalogist again, and if the baby is SUPER big by then, she said she will probably recommend a c-section. We got two more pictures of our baby boy... and he is just the cutest thing. This afternoon I've had some cramping, so I'm thinking maybe he's moving down?? Or it might just be in my head, since we've been watching our Lamaze video! ha! I'm going to do what I can to have this baby early... I really would rather NOT have a 10 pound baby, and that's where we're headed if I carry to full-term!
Only two more days of work, and BOY am I ready for maternity leave! This week feels like it's lasted a life time! Jude started painting the baby's room!! And I'm SO excited! We bought the paint on Monday, and he has since locked me out of that room. He said I can't see it until it's done... such a sweetie!
AND next Wednesday, some girlfriends and I are going to Burke Williams! Hooray!
Alright, well, I'm going to go walk around to see if this cramping will stop. I'll keep you posted!
I have to warn you... I probably won't blog as much when I'm on maternity leave, so I apologize ahead of time :)
Have a fabulous rest of the week!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
35 weeks... and counting
5 more weeks to go... if that! Can you believe it? Seems like it went by so fast, but at the same time, I am so looking forward to being able to lay on my stomach again, and being able to bend over and tie my shoes without it being a huge ordeal. Awe, the joys of pregnancy! :) I really can't complain though, I've had a great time being pregnant, and I've really tried to enjoy it to the fullest, because I know it's only a short part of my life, and before I know it, this chapter in my life will be over.
This is my last week of work before maternity leave!! YIPPEE! I'm so excited! Even though I just sit at my desk pretty much all day, my chair gets awfully uncomfortable, and my feet get SO swollen by the end of my work day. And I get so hot in here too! It's just me, because everyone else says they feel fine, while I'm burning up. so annoying!
I had a baby shower at my work last Thursday, and a shower last Saturday at my sister's house! It was so great, and my mom and sister did such a great job of putting everything together!! People are so very generous, really makes me feel loved...sounds silly, but true. My next, and final shower is in two weeks at the Parris Home. I'm looking forward to that as well! All of the wonderful gifts are sitting in our dining room, so hopefully I'll be able to 'nest' and put everything away and get everything ready for our baby boy. Jude and I have been looking at paint colors, so we'll hopefully be able to buy the paint this week! So exciting!
I saw my doctor last week, and she gave me an order for another ultrasound for this week. So I called to make that appointment, and they said because of my fluid levels, I need to go see the paranatologist twice a week to make sure the baby is doing fine in there. Apparently, because of my high fluid levels, it can flatten the placenta, and harm the baby. She said it's always better to have too much fluid, than not enough... and odds are, it will just make me more uncomfortable, BUT, they like to keep an eye on it to make sure. So there's that... and luckily, St. Jude is close to our house, so it's not too far out of the way. I don't know if I talked about this in my last blog entry... but I've come to a resolve about the whole c-section possibility. I'm just going to trust the doctors and as long as I have a healthy baby and I'm alive and well, I'll be happy. And who knows what will happen... but I'm just really at ease about the whole thing... which I think is the best way to be.
Tyquon is going to be moving out this Wednesday, and I have to say, I'm really looking forward to that. Our good friends are taking custody of him, and I really think it's the best place for him right now. Jude and I are looking forward to being his aunt and uncle again, and being a part of his life in that way. I'm looking forward to being able to focus completely on our baby, and the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Jude and I were driving home last night, and he said: Gosh, It's so crazy that we're going to have a baby..." he couldn't have read my mind more clearly! I feel like I've had so much time to mentally 'prepare' for this huge life changing event, but just the last few weeks it's actually started to sink in! It's very real all of a sudden! We went on our Hospital tour last Thursday... and we got the Lamaze DVD that Jude bought for us... which, turns out... very informative! :) I thought that was so cute of him to buy that for us!
Anyway... I think that's it for now :) THANK YOU so much if you were a part of my shower this last weekend! and Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts! I've already started on thank you cards, so hopefully I'll get those out soon!
This is my last week of work before maternity leave!! YIPPEE! I'm so excited! Even though I just sit at my desk pretty much all day, my chair gets awfully uncomfortable, and my feet get SO swollen by the end of my work day. And I get so hot in here too! It's just me, because everyone else says they feel fine, while I'm burning up. so annoying!
I had a baby shower at my work last Thursday, and a shower last Saturday at my sister's house! It was so great, and my mom and sister did such a great job of putting everything together!! People are so very generous, really makes me feel loved...sounds silly, but true. My next, and final shower is in two weeks at the Parris Home. I'm looking forward to that as well! All of the wonderful gifts are sitting in our dining room, so hopefully I'll be able to 'nest' and put everything away and get everything ready for our baby boy. Jude and I have been looking at paint colors, so we'll hopefully be able to buy the paint this week! So exciting!
I saw my doctor last week, and she gave me an order for another ultrasound for this week. So I called to make that appointment, and they said because of my fluid levels, I need to go see the paranatologist twice a week to make sure the baby is doing fine in there. Apparently, because of my high fluid levels, it can flatten the placenta, and harm the baby. She said it's always better to have too much fluid, than not enough... and odds are, it will just make me more uncomfortable, BUT, they like to keep an eye on it to make sure. So there's that... and luckily, St. Jude is close to our house, so it's not too far out of the way. I don't know if I talked about this in my last blog entry... but I've come to a resolve about the whole c-section possibility. I'm just going to trust the doctors and as long as I have a healthy baby and I'm alive and well, I'll be happy. And who knows what will happen... but I'm just really at ease about the whole thing... which I think is the best way to be.
Tyquon is going to be moving out this Wednesday, and I have to say, I'm really looking forward to that. Our good friends are taking custody of him, and I really think it's the best place for him right now. Jude and I are looking forward to being his aunt and uncle again, and being a part of his life in that way. I'm looking forward to being able to focus completely on our baby, and the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Jude and I were driving home last night, and he said: Gosh, It's so crazy that we're going to have a baby..." he couldn't have read my mind more clearly! I feel like I've had so much time to mentally 'prepare' for this huge life changing event, but just the last few weeks it's actually started to sink in! It's very real all of a sudden! We went on our Hospital tour last Thursday... and we got the Lamaze DVD that Jude bought for us... which, turns out... very informative! :) I thought that was so cute of him to buy that for us!
Anyway... I think that's it for now :) THANK YOU so much if you were a part of my shower this last weekend! and Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts! I've already started on thank you cards, so hopefully I'll get those out soon!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
34 1/2 weeks :)
Well, the third trimester is in full effect. I'm feeling huge and swollen, and I haven't seen my ankles in about two weeks now. :)
I had another doctor appointment yesterday, and my belly is measuring at 36 1/2 weeks, and the heart rate was at 140... just perfect. She wants me to have another ultrasound next week, to chart his growth, and because I have so much fluid, I'm at 'high risk.' So I'll have two more ultrasounds before we meet Joshua. She talked to me about c-section, and inducing... so we'll see what happens. The whole thing makes me a little nervous, but I trust my doctor to do what's best for me and the baby. I think I'd probably feel nervous even if our baby wasn't huge and a 'regular' delivery was in my future. And who knows, that could still happen i suppose. I also got all the paperwork from them to fill out for my disability claim, so I have to get that done by next week. I can't believe next Friday is my last day at work, for FOUR months!! I'm really excited! I haven't been without a job for this long since I was 16 years old!
No stretch marks on my belly yet... knock on wood. Every morning I put on the 'mommy to be stretch mark cream'. I really need to start getting my hospital bag packed and ready to go. I need to purchase a few things, like a nursing bra and nightie. And I need a really cute outfit to bring him home in! So about 4 months ago, I was reading on, and they mentioned a 'maternity mask' and how it's really common for women to get this in their second and third trimesters... well, the maternity mask is in full effect as well. Even the other day, Jude was like: "what's on your cheeks?" awe man! Oh well... I'm able to cover it up with some concealer, but still, kinda stinks. I've noticed it got worse when I was in the sun last weekend. Oh well, I'm glad I wear make-up! :)
My work is having a little baby shower luncheon for me tomorrow, which is really nice of them! And then my first baby shower is this Saturday, and I'm really looking forward to it! My sister and Mom are throwing this one, and they've really worked hard on it! Knowing my sister, everything will be so detailed and amazing! I just looked at my registry, and it looks like people have bought me some stuff already! How exciting is that!! Baby stuff is so expensive... it worries me a little bit to think about having to buy all of it on our own! eek!
Anyway, I hope you're all having a fabulous week! I'll post some pictures from my shower for sure :) I have to go get a cute outfit to wear to it!!
I had another doctor appointment yesterday, and my belly is measuring at 36 1/2 weeks, and the heart rate was at 140... just perfect. She wants me to have another ultrasound next week, to chart his growth, and because I have so much fluid, I'm at 'high risk.' So I'll have two more ultrasounds before we meet Joshua. She talked to me about c-section, and inducing... so we'll see what happens. The whole thing makes me a little nervous, but I trust my doctor to do what's best for me and the baby. I think I'd probably feel nervous even if our baby wasn't huge and a 'regular' delivery was in my future. And who knows, that could still happen i suppose. I also got all the paperwork from them to fill out for my disability claim, so I have to get that done by next week. I can't believe next Friday is my last day at work, for FOUR months!! I'm really excited! I haven't been without a job for this long since I was 16 years old!
No stretch marks on my belly yet... knock on wood. Every morning I put on the 'mommy to be stretch mark cream'. I really need to start getting my hospital bag packed and ready to go. I need to purchase a few things, like a nursing bra and nightie. And I need a really cute outfit to bring him home in! So about 4 months ago, I was reading on, and they mentioned a 'maternity mask' and how it's really common for women to get this in their second and third trimesters... well, the maternity mask is in full effect as well. Even the other day, Jude was like: "what's on your cheeks?" awe man! Oh well... I'm able to cover it up with some concealer, but still, kinda stinks. I've noticed it got worse when I was in the sun last weekend. Oh well, I'm glad I wear make-up! :)
My work is having a little baby shower luncheon for me tomorrow, which is really nice of them! And then my first baby shower is this Saturday, and I'm really looking forward to it! My sister and Mom are throwing this one, and they've really worked hard on it! Knowing my sister, everything will be so detailed and amazing! I just looked at my registry, and it looks like people have bought me some stuff already! How exciting is that!! Baby stuff is so expensive... it worries me a little bit to think about having to buy all of it on our own! eek!
Anyway, I hope you're all having a fabulous week! I'll post some pictures from my shower for sure :) I have to go get a cute outfit to wear to it!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
look at the progress... crazy!
Monday, April 14, 2008
swollen feet and swimming pools
We had a fabulous weekend! Tyquon was able to go stay with his mom for the weekend, and it was such a nice break for us. We went out without worrying about a babysitter! It was amazing! The weather was insanely hot this weekend, it got up to 95 degrees yesterday, i know, crazy right? So we were able to swim in our pool for the very first time without freezing our butts off! :) And let me tell you... the swimming pool is a God sent when it comes to being pregnant and swollen! I was so hot and cranky, and it felt so good to cool off and float around in our backyard! When i got out of the pool, my feet were back to their normal size too! That didn't last long, but still, it was very exciting!
My wonderful husband's birthday is this Thursday, so I've got to think of something special to do for him. Some friends of ours offered to babysit, so we'll be able to have a nice dinner together. I'm looking forward to it, he deserves the very best.
I can definitely tell Joshua is running out of room in my belly. He's moving around all the time, which i really love. Jude is so cute about it too... it's really a special time for us. The invitations for my first baby shower went out last week, and my sister out did herself this time! Just the invitations are amazing! It's so much fun! I can't wait to find a cute outfit to wear to it! I found out last week that the people at my work want to have a little baby shower for me as well, so that's really nice of them.
I only have about three more weeks left of work! Woohoo! At the end of this week, I'm going to be training my replacement. Dr. Lawton even told me, if I need to leave a couple days earlier, just let her know! I love that! I'm really looking forward to being able to stay home, and "nest" for a couple weeks before the baby decides to join us. I'm getting to be pretty pathetic when it comes to being able to do things around the house. I mopped the floor yesterday, and my back ached, and I was out of breath by the end of it... so sad! Something that used to be so easy... weird huh?
I just talked to Jude, and he said he's going to get in the pool :( I'm so jealous! only about a half hour longer, and I get to go home too.
I hope you all have a splendid Monday! :)
My wonderful husband's birthday is this Thursday, so I've got to think of something special to do for him. Some friends of ours offered to babysit, so we'll be able to have a nice dinner together. I'm looking forward to it, he deserves the very best.
I can definitely tell Joshua is running out of room in my belly. He's moving around all the time, which i really love. Jude is so cute about it too... it's really a special time for us. The invitations for my first baby shower went out last week, and my sister out did herself this time! Just the invitations are amazing! It's so much fun! I can't wait to find a cute outfit to wear to it! I found out last week that the people at my work want to have a little baby shower for me as well, so that's really nice of them.
I only have about three more weeks left of work! Woohoo! At the end of this week, I'm going to be training my replacement. Dr. Lawton even told me, if I need to leave a couple days earlier, just let her know! I love that! I'm really looking forward to being able to stay home, and "nest" for a couple weeks before the baby decides to join us. I'm getting to be pretty pathetic when it comes to being able to do things around the house. I mopped the floor yesterday, and my back ached, and I was out of breath by the end of it... so sad! Something that used to be so easy... weird huh?
I just talked to Jude, and he said he's going to get in the pool :( I'm so jealous! only about a half hour longer, and I get to go home too.
I hope you all have a splendid Monday! :)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Almost 33 weeks!
Time just keeps flying by! I can't believe it's getting so close! We had our doctor appointment on Tuesday, and I'm measuring at 35 weeks... and she ordered me an ultrasound to 'chart his growth' and check out his kidneys. Anyway, she said, my due date is pretty right on, I just might have a lot of fluid, OR, I just might have a big baby. So, yesterday we had our ultrasound appointment, and our baby boy is measuring at 36 weeks! yikes! She said, based on our 20 week ultrasound, our due date is probably right, he's just a big boy. She said I do have a lot of fluid, and he's weighing at approximately 6 lbs. Good news, his head is measuring the same as the rest of his body... so that's a relief! She said, I'm probably looking at a nine pound baby at LEAST. She told me to talk to my doctor and see about inducing around 36- or 37 weeks... so we'll see! She checked his kidneys, and they looked totally normal, nothing to worry about. We got a picture, and he looks so cute, I put it in my 'belly book'. She said it is much harder to perform an ultrasound this far along, because he doesn't have much room to be manipulated. She told us that he is in the right position, and everything looks healthy. I'm to call Dr. Lawton on Monday to get further results. :)
So... there you have it. More and more, and epidural doesn't sound so bad after all! Considering we couldn't really afford any classes, I'm feeling a bit unprepared for natural child birth anyway. We'll see what happens. And I'm confidant that my doctor will do what's best for me and the baby, so if that includes a c-section, then so be it.
I'm still feeling good, in terms of pregnancy. My back hurts here and there, but I really can't complain. The thing that baffles me most of the time is how I am out of breath if i walk up a flight of stairs! My feet are swollen, so most shoes aren't as comfortable as they once were. I don't feel as big as i look, which is guess is a good thing...? ha! I will walk past a mirror or something, and I can't believe it's me!
I was looking at some pictures of me and Jude before I got pregnant, about a year before I got pregnant actually... and I'm feeling pretty motivated to lose weight once the baby comes. Of course I'm motivated NOW, when I can't do anything about it! ha! Very convenient don't you think? So we'll see what really happens :)
Anyway... I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I know I will!! :)
So... there you have it. More and more, and epidural doesn't sound so bad after all! Considering we couldn't really afford any classes, I'm feeling a bit unprepared for natural child birth anyway. We'll see what happens. And I'm confidant that my doctor will do what's best for me and the baby, so if that includes a c-section, then so be it.
I'm still feeling good, in terms of pregnancy. My back hurts here and there, but I really can't complain. The thing that baffles me most of the time is how I am out of breath if i walk up a flight of stairs! My feet are swollen, so most shoes aren't as comfortable as they once were. I don't feel as big as i look, which is guess is a good thing...? ha! I will walk past a mirror or something, and I can't believe it's me!
I was looking at some pictures of me and Jude before I got pregnant, about a year before I got pregnant actually... and I'm feeling pretty motivated to lose weight once the baby comes. Of course I'm motivated NOW, when I can't do anything about it! ha! Very convenient don't you think? So we'll see what really happens :)
Anyway... I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I know I will!! :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
And we're back...
The babymoon was SO great! I'm so glad we were able to get away for a long weekend, it was so worth it! We had a ton of fun with our fabulous friends Will and Jessica, and have tons of great memories and pictures to go along with it! We left early on Thursday, and stopped for breakfast in San Luis Obispo and then were able to see where Will and Jessica grew up. From Cambria, we took our time driving up Hwy 1. The boys in the back seat, saw a ton of whales along the way, and we stopped to see the Julia Pfiefer (sp?) waterfall. We also stopped in Big Sur, and we were able to sit in the river for a while, So relaxing!
There's a nice one of the belly... kind of lopsided :)
I could have stayed there for a really long time...
We are overlooking Morro Bay... such a beautiful drive! And this is where Jessica started with the "eeeeeee" and it stuck!
This was at the Aquarium... so much fun, and can you believe my belly?
We ate at Bubba Gump's... and I had the most amazing Lobster!
This was at the Fisherman's Wharf, after whale watching and eating some very good clam chowder... and Jude bought Will and himself a flute... pretty darn funny!
This was at the Stevenson house, and the garden in the back was AMAZING! This is one of my favorite pictures.
These are some great pictures in Carmel... 

This was our last day... by the beach near our hotel. Jude looks so cute in this picture!
Love the belly!
Walking back, and heading home... so sad it's over!

We have a ton more pictures, so I'm sure I'll be posting more here and there. Thanks to our personal photographer, Will Parris, we were able to capture the belly in all it's glory! :)

We have a ton more pictures, so I'm sure I'll be posting more here and there. Thanks to our personal photographer, Will Parris, we were able to capture the belly in all it's glory! :)
We had a weekend of firsts as well: Jude got a migraine, I had to pee just about every ten minutes, and I barfed overboard on our whale watching trip! ha! We were also able to see about 10 humpback whales, really close to our boat, and they even threw up their tale fin for us! it was great! And I felt a lot better once we got on solid ground!
Such a fabulous mini-vacation!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Babymoon here we come!
Today is our last day of work for the week!! I'm so looking forward to our little get-a-way to Monterey! So much fun and so relaxing. I can't wait! And to be able to get away from our 6 year old house guest, is going to be amazing as well.
Joshua is moving like crazy! And it's so cool, because the type of movement has been different in the last couple weeks... kind of hard to explain so bare with me... Before it was like kicks here and there, and some body movement, but very little. And now, it's like body movement all the time... and i feel the pressure of him pushing out my stomach... it's crazy! And when I feel the pressure in my belly, I'll put my hand over it, and press slightly, and I can feel him moving and either he'll push back or move away from the pressure from my hand. So cool! I probably didn't explain it very well, but hopefully you get the point :) Basically, I can tell that he's running out of room in there... and I love being able to feel him move so often!
I forgot to mention on my last baby post, but at our 4D ultrasound we found out that he weighs approximately 4.8 pounds, and his head is measuring ahead of schedule! The ultrasound technician tried to make us feel better about it by saying: well, they say, kids with bigger heads are usually really smart! :) Of course our child is a genius, duh! :) She said from 32-40 weeks, babies usually gain about 4lbs... so if he doesn't gain ANYMORE weight this week (which is HIGHLY unlikely) he'll probably weigh about 9 pounds. I'm not going to lie, that scares me just a tad! On Monday night, I had a dream that I had to have an emergency c-section, and he weighed over ten pounds! yikes! I guess you could say I'm thinking a lot about our little bun in the oven :) I called my doctor and faxed over the letter that the 4D ultrasound people gave me, and she ordered me another ultrasound to track his growth.
For planning the women's retreat, all the ladies chipped in and bought me a MAGNIFICENT gift certificate to Burke Williams! I am SO stinking excited to get a maternity massage again! THANK YOU LADIES! That will be so nice, I really want to go soon!
I feel like I'm fighting off a cold... and thanks to my pre-natal vitamins, I think it's staying pretty mild. But It's still annoying. Last night I didn't sleep very well at all, because my nose is draining down my throat, and kept making me cough. So annoying. I'm pretty determined to stay healthy just for our vacation!
Jude's birthday is coming up soon, this will be his 10th birthday that we've spent together! I was thinking today about when we first met, (kind of random, but I saw a lady wearing K-swiss shoes while I was waiting to get my food at the cafe downstairs... and he was wearing that brand when I first met him), and I just couldn't help but smile! I just love him so much! So much more than I ever thought possible.
Anyway... I think that's all I have for now :) I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, I know we will!! :)
Joshua is moving like crazy! And it's so cool, because the type of movement has been different in the last couple weeks... kind of hard to explain so bare with me... Before it was like kicks here and there, and some body movement, but very little. And now, it's like body movement all the time... and i feel the pressure of him pushing out my stomach... it's crazy! And when I feel the pressure in my belly, I'll put my hand over it, and press slightly, and I can feel him moving and either he'll push back or move away from the pressure from my hand. So cool! I probably didn't explain it very well, but hopefully you get the point :) Basically, I can tell that he's running out of room in there... and I love being able to feel him move so often!
I forgot to mention on my last baby post, but at our 4D ultrasound we found out that he weighs approximately 4.8 pounds, and his head is measuring ahead of schedule! The ultrasound technician tried to make us feel better about it by saying: well, they say, kids with bigger heads are usually really smart! :) Of course our child is a genius, duh! :) She said from 32-40 weeks, babies usually gain about 4lbs... so if he doesn't gain ANYMORE weight this week (which is HIGHLY unlikely) he'll probably weigh about 9 pounds. I'm not going to lie, that scares me just a tad! On Monday night, I had a dream that I had to have an emergency c-section, and he weighed over ten pounds! yikes! I guess you could say I'm thinking a lot about our little bun in the oven :) I called my doctor and faxed over the letter that the 4D ultrasound people gave me, and she ordered me another ultrasound to track his growth.
For planning the women's retreat, all the ladies chipped in and bought me a MAGNIFICENT gift certificate to Burke Williams! I am SO stinking excited to get a maternity massage again! THANK YOU LADIES! That will be so nice, I really want to go soon!
I feel like I'm fighting off a cold... and thanks to my pre-natal vitamins, I think it's staying pretty mild. But It's still annoying. Last night I didn't sleep very well at all, because my nose is draining down my throat, and kept making me cough. So annoying. I'm pretty determined to stay healthy just for our vacation!
Jude's birthday is coming up soon, this will be his 10th birthday that we've spent together! I was thinking today about when we first met, (kind of random, but I saw a lady wearing K-swiss shoes while I was waiting to get my food at the cafe downstairs... and he was wearing that brand when I first met him), and I just couldn't help but smile! I just love him so much! So much more than I ever thought possible.
Anyway... I think that's all I have for now :) I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, I know we will!! :)
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