I can't tell you the last time I've seen my feet while standing up.... ha! It's so weird! Some friends of mine got me a 'belly book' for my birthday, and it says 'hello belly, goodbye feet' on the cover. Very appropriate don't you think? I'm now at 29 weeks, and every week that goes by, I feel better and better about making it through the whole pregnancy. It's so scary to think of how many things can actually go wrong, that I have no control over.
I'm feeling more and more uncomfortable, especially at work... where I have to sit pretty much all day. Today especially, I took a couple breaks to just get up and walk around outside, because my back was killing me. I know it's only going to get worse, so I better just suck it up! But, because I sit still all day, I feel Joshua move around SO much. I've really noticed it in the last week or so, he's a mover and a shaker for sure! I love that I get to experience this, and I'm the only one that gets to! One night last week, Jude pressed his ear against my belly, to see if he could hear anything... he was SO excited and amazed! It kind of made me jealous that I can't bend my ear down to my stomach! He said he heard swooshing, and it was like someone swimming. It was really cute to see how excited he got about it. He's going to be such a great dad. We're looking forward to the 4D ultrasound too! I think that will be so fun to see what he looks like in there :)
I've pretty much lost my ankles, which my friend Jessica is THRILLED about! :) Only because I made fun of her non-existent ankles when we went to Hawaii with them last summer. So i guess you could say I deserve it! I've been getting charlie horses in my leg muscles like crazy too! Even now, when I flex my foot, my muscles are sore. So strange! I remember reading a while back on baby center, and they said that's common, because I'm carrying around so much extra weight. That's not fun to wake up to in the middle of the night... let me tell you! I've been taking a double dose of iron supplements, and I was really worried about constipation... however, I think it's actually having the opposite effect on me! Sorry if that's too much information, but it's true! Oh, the joys of pregnancy! :)
Here's a picture of my friend Angela and me at the women's retreat! Give me your feedback on what you think about my hair! I'm 28 weeks in this photo :)

A little while ago, I was moving around my belly, and when I stopped, he kicked me! And that happened twice! So cute! I giggled to myself! He's probably trying to tell me to knock it off :)
Alright, thanks for reading!
First of all, LOVE the hair :) Second of all, LOVE the fact that you now have cankles :) You knew it was coming, right? It is only fair :) I still think yours have a long way to go before catching up to mine though... they don't seem to be bread loaves quite yet!
I miss feeling Charlie in my belly and "playing" with her like that. Enjoy it. It goes so fast (well, faster for some of us than others!) :)
You are a BEAUTIFUL prego!!!
I love your hair.. I went to target yesterday to try to get and s waver and they were sold out.
Also dont worry you will have your beautiful ankles back one day. And you will appreciate them so much more now
That was cute how excited Jude got to hold the Stethoscope to your belly the other night.
You two will be GREAT parents. Cant wait!
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