we'll be taking orders, if you're interested!
It's so weird to see pictures of myself before pregnancy. And how I love taking vacations!
Yesterday, Jude and I stayed home from work... and it was so nice to just be the two of us. We went out to breakfast, and just hung out for a while! I had forgotten how much I miss that. When we got home, Jude had to study, so I started hanging things up in our bedroom (Jude painted our bedroom while I was at the women's retreat... what a sweetie!) and organizing more stuff that we had stacked in the baby's room. There's still a lot to do, but at least now I feel like I'm making some kind of progress. I'm really looking forward to it just being the two of us again... for about a month anyway, before Joshua decides to join us! I'm so looking forward to being parents with Jude... I know it's not always going to be easy, but I'm definitely looking forward to this new chapter in our lives. I can't wait to see what Joshua looks like, and it is SO amazing to me that we made him, with God's help of course ;) I just think it's miraculous.
Anyway, that's all for now!
A little while ago, I was moving around my belly, and when I stopped, he kicked me! And that happened twice! So cute! I giggled to myself! He's probably trying to tell me to knock it off :)
Alright, thanks for reading!