Monday, November 17, 2008

Almost 6 months old...

That was quite a week. My boy is finally feeling better... finally! He still has a little bit of a cough, but other than that... he's back to his normal self. We went to the doctor on Friday, for which I made SURE I had an appointment, to make sure his breathing was better, and the doctor was happy to see him and really glad he was doing better. His sleeping is getting a little better, so I'm happy about that too. The winds and fires this past Saturday were so gross, I was kind of worried about Josh's breathing with all the smoke that surrounded our house... so we just stayed inside and kept the house closed up. He did get a little bit more congested for a few hours, but then was fine later that evening.

We had our first experience with bananas on Saturday night! The book I read about feeding babies said to encourage self feeding... So we did... and it was messy! He loved bananas though, and it was so cute watching him try to grab the food on his tray. Very cute. Jude and I had a good time just watching him. Just recently, every time I'm eating, he gets very irritated if I don't share with him! He'll start moving his arms and legs and open his mouth wide... waiting for me to shove something in there... so cute, but I feel so bad! So I've started feeding him cereal more often during the day... and like I said, we just started bananas. It's kind of fun starting something new, and seeing how much he enjoys it! My baby boy is getting so big!

He's been a little more fussy lately, and I think that it's just because he's still not feeling 100%... but who knows. It's all a guessing game really. It's funny how everyone asks me: "oh, is he teething?" As if I would know for sure or something. I just say... um, yeah, I think so?? Who knows? :) I even asked the doctor if there was a definite way of knowing if he was teething or not... and she looked at me like I was joking! ha!

He's new favorite thing to do is hold onto our hands and walk around the house. His little legs look so cute taking little steps. And then he'll even try to let go of our hands if he wants to grab something... quite a kid!

I'm really looking forward to Christmas time! I think I wrote this in my last post, but it's so fun to think about getting a tree and Christmas shopping for Josh... and I think he's going to have a blast opening his presents too! I just love the holidays, and I think it will be so much fun with our baby boy.
Jude continues to be such an amazing husband and father. He's working so hard and even on his days off cooks dinner for us and cleans up. And I really love watching him with Josh. I just love being a family, and I look forward to the years to come. A friend of mine shared a quote with me and I love it: When you're a mom, the days are long, but the years are short. My baby boy is only six months old, and I can already relate to that so well.
This next weekend, we're going to be getting family pictures taken down at Laguna Beach with our fabulous photographer friend, Will Parris ( I'm really looking forward to that!
Also, lately, Joshua has been reaching out for me... So sweet! And he's been giving kisses too... such a sweet boy! :) Ok... That's all for now, I still have to post some more halloween pictures... and some birthday pictures too... I'll try to get on that :)
I absolutely love this picture of Josh.
Josh and his dad... I could seriously kiss his face all day long, and never get bored.Here he is... walking, walking, walkingThis was the beginning of the bananas...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well, I turned 26 on Sunday... and boy is that weird! I know it's not old... but still, to say that I'm 26 years old is a little crazy to me. Anyway... Jude threw a FANTASTIC party for me, and worked so hard to make it special. We had a lot of friends over and a Giant bounce house. Jude made it a 'carnival' theme, and had cotton candy, nachos, and pretzels with melted cheese! It was so yummy, and so special. I sure am a lucky girl to have such an amazing husband. I always love my birthday! Thank you honey, you're the best. :)

Unfortunately, our baby boy is really sick right now :( I just feel awful for him, and so helpless. He's on anti-biotics, so I'm hoping he'll start to feel better soon. I had to wait TWO hours at the doctor's office yesterday... but in the end, I'm really glad I did. I just hate it when he's sick. Oh, and by the way, they weighed him yesterday at the doctor's office, and he's 20 pounds... IF you can believe that!! No wonder my back has been killing me lately! ;)

Here are some recent pictures of our sweet, sweet boy!

Here he is in the Jumperoo... so happy!
He looks like such a little boy in this one... such a cute face!
Like father, like son :)
I love this outfit on him:)

That's all for now. If you think about it, please pray for my baby boy to get healthy soon, and to sleep better too.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I just finished the Twilight series... and if you're interested in a really fun read... you should check it out! Quite the 'page turner' :)

Oh, and here's a cute picture of Joshua and Grandma.

And, I thought this was funny :) my little jail bird!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Autumn!

Hi again! I'm so sorry I'm so lame about posting. It's so hard to find the time to be on the computer... when I have a ton of others things to do when my baby boy is sleeping.
Anyway... Our baby boy is now five months old. And I seriously can't believe it! Time FLIES by so fast, and I look at him and can't believe he was in my belly all those months ago. At his four month check up, he weighed just under 18 pounds! He's at the 95% on the growth charts. He's such a big, strong boy! I never thought this would be possible, but I just keep loving him more and more every single day. He's become more and more in love with his daddy too, and I love to see that. He has always loved Jude, but now his face absolutely lights up when Jude comes home from work, or when ever he walks in the room. He'll even start to fuss if Jude walks out of the room. I love to see that bond grow between them. The way he looks at me still melts my heart completely, and his smile couldn't get any sweeter! He's such a happy baby, which I am so thankful for. He only gets crabby when he's tired or hungry. He's very active and alert, and always grabbing everything within his reach. It's really amazing how he's developing so quickly into a little boy, rather than a baby.

We had our annual halloween party this past friday, and Joshua dressed up as a ninja! Quite adorable! And just yesterday, was exactly a year from when we moved into our house. I can't believe it. I'm pretty sure around this time is when I started blogging... with the news of our pregnancy. Simply amazing how the days just speed by.

Joshua is napping so well, and we've got a great routine as far as that's concerned... however, sleeping through the night has become some what of an issue. It's been for a while now, and I don't know what to do. Most days I'm pretty tired because of having to get up with him multiple times during the night. crummy! But, I'm again, so thankful that I don't have to go to work after being up all night with Josh. Jude is such an amazing husband, father... provider... etc etc. I could go on and on about how lucky I am to be married to such a terrific man.

Joshua loves to blow bubbles now, and he's eating rice cereal once a day... which he loves! Josh is also taken with Bosco, and loves watching him run around the yard. The other night, Bosco was sniffing his hands, and Josh was cracking up because of it. When Bosco stopped, Josh reached his hands out to grab Bosco, and would laugh so hard... simply adorable. Jude and I just sat there laughing along with him. Bosco is such a good dog, and so good with Josh. Joshua is a going concern... he loves to roll around on the floor, and is very much interested in crawling. Right now he scoots really well, so I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before the crawling comes. We're pretty sure he's teething now too. He loves it when you rub your finger on his bottom gums. His new favorite toy is the jumperoo... he LOVES bouncing around in that thing.
Joshua had his first ear infection the week before last, and boy... was it rough. I felt so completely helpless for my little boy. We went to the doctor and he got his first antibiotic. Thankfully, he got better within a week.
Last weekend, Joshua, my mom and I went up north to my Aunt Peggy's house near Santa Cruz. Joshua did really well for his first road trip, and I was pleasantly surprised at how happy he was even though he didn't really get his regular naps etc. I was so glad that Joshua got to meet Aunt Peggy and Uncle Mike. On our way home, we were able to stop by my great aunt Martha's house too. Once again, it was great to see her, and I was so glad she got to meet Joshua.

I'm very much looking forward to the winter months, and Christmas. It's finally starting to cool down... we actually got rain last night! I know... crazy! It's actually starting to feel like autumn. I think Christmas this year is going to be so much fun with our son.

Anyway, That's all I have for now... I'll try to write again soon! :) Here are some great pics... I hope you enjoy!
This is Josh, and his first experience with rice cereal.

Everybody loves a naked baby!Josh & his Daddy :)On our trip to silverwood...Josh, me and aunt Peggy... great hats!!I had a little photo shoot... look at my boy sitting up all by himself!Such a happy ninja!! Happy Halloween!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Time sure does fly

Hi everybody! So, as it turns out, I haven't had a lot of extra time on my hands to update my blog! And when I actually do get a free minute or two... I never feel like sitting in front of the computer. It's been so long since I've written... I don't even know where to start.

Our baby boy is 3 1/2 months old now! Can you believe it? He is so much fun right now... lots of smiles, laughing out loud, grabbing things, sucking on his little chubby fingers, holding his head up so well... he's becoming such a big boy. I can't even express in words how much I absolutely ADORE him. He's been sleeping through the night for some time now... and he's becoming such an easy kid. I think that might have something to do with Jude and I getting to know him too. We're working on nap times as I type actually. I've started letting him cry when I know he's just tired. I'm not saying it's easy... but my poor baby needs sleep... and he's in such a better mood when he sleeps! I cry with him sometimes too... but Jude assures me that we're doing the right thing :) It's probably the hardest thing for me right now. I'm trying to get some sort of routine for nap time... because I think that's why he sleeps so well at night... we have a routine.

We went camping two weeks ago, and Josh did so great. My back killed me from holding him most of the time... but Jude and I were both so pleased with how well he slept at night and how happy he was during the day.

Jude is such an amazing father. I love watching him interact with Josh, and to see Josh's face light up when daddy comes home... so cute! I love being a family together. I have to say, it's a lot of work, but so much fun at the same time. I'm actually looking forward to more kids! I really didn't think that would happen this soon!

Jude got a second job, and started two weeks ago. He's doing that so that I can stay home with Joshua. It's really hard on both of us, mostly him though, but it's not permanent. I just keep telling myself that. I'm so lucky to have a husband so willing and motivated to take care of his family... I love him so much and miss him terribly when he's gone.

The last three months have flown by, and I'm sure when Josh is five years old, I'm going to look back and wonder where all the time went. I try to cherish each moment, and each stage that we're in, because I know it's not going to last long at all. I already kind of miss the little, tiny baby stage... who would have thought? :) I really love being a mom, and I love our baby boy so much... I look at him now, and can't even believe he was inside of me... that HE was the one kicking me all the time, and that he is the heartbeat I saw at the very first ultrasound, when I was 7 weeks pregnant. Man, I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Who would have thought that being a mom involved all of this!? I don't want you to get the wrong idea... we have some rough days together... but that's part of it too I suppose. When you become a mom, you're all of a sudden part of this 'secret club'... that none of the other moms tell you about. And even IF other moms tried to fill you in on what to expect... you just couldn't understand, until it happens to you.

As I watch my sweet baby sleeping in my video monitor... My heart melts... and I realize I should probably get going so I can take a shower and eat something before he wakes up! :)

Love to you all!
I don't have enough time to update you with all the photos that I'd like to... so here's his smiling face! This was taken about a month or so ago... I'll really try to be more regular on the posting... :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The wonderful world of being a mommy

You don't know how many times I've tried to sit down and write... and it just never happened! May 23rd seems like so long ago now, tomorrow our baby boy is three weeks old! I can't believe it! He already looks so big to me. I can honestly say I'm so happy we decided to schedule a c-section. After they delivered Joshua, the doctor told me she thought I made the right decision, because of the amount of fluid I had and how hard he was to get out... I probably would have had to have an emergency c-section anyway. The recovery was so much better than I expected, and I'm really happy with how everything worked out. Jude got video of Joshua being pulled out of me, and of his first cry that made me cry like a baby! Jude got to cut the umbilical chord, and went with Joshua to the recovery room. By the time I was all sewed up, I was only away from Jude and Joshua for about ten minutes, and then they wheeled me into the recovery room with my boys :) Joshua weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. He was born at 10:03am. He took to breastfeeding within about 5 minutes... which seemed like forever to me... and he scored a 9 on the apgar (s?) test. Jude got very good at swaddling our baby boy. It was really cute... Jude asked about three different nurses to show him how. I couldn't eat anything for the first 24 hours... which STUNK... but by the time 7:30am rolled around, the cafeteria food tasted amazing! From the get go, the nurses were surprised at how well and fast i was recovering... and apparently i had the best incision on the floor. lucky me! We got to come home on memorial day... and at that point, Jude and I were both ready.

The first week... sleeping was more of an idea... which was/is the hardest part for me. I don't exactly know what i was expecting... but it is hard. I started taking some advice from a friend of mine about being 'babywise' and luckily, i usually only have to get up twice at night now! Thank the Lord! And I'm finding that I'm really enjoying this mommy thing when I get more sleep!

During the course of the last three weeks, I don't think I've cried more for no reason, I've been pooped and peed on, and felt completely vulnerable with this new love I have for my son. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him, and that's putting it lightly. Jude put it this way, when he was talking to some expectant parents: you just have somebody else living with you, that you love, and you have to change their diapers.

I get so much joy out of seeing him smile, right before he drifts off to sleep, and seeing him make facial expressions JUST like Jude! I just love him so much. He's so much more alert now and awake more often than he used to be. And I just look at him and my heart melts. I think he's just the cutest!

Oh, and I forgot to mention, on his one week check-up, he gained all his birth weight back, plus 4 ounces! He's a growing boy!

Ok, that's all I have time for now... He's getting bored with his bouncer!

Talk more soon, I hope... and I have a ton of pictures I'm going to have to upload! Birth announcements are on my "to-do" list... :)


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Baby Joshua is here

Hi! I'm sorry I don't have time to write very much right now... as I'm needed by my little one. But I wanted to post some pictures for your enjoyment! Here is the first week with the newest member to the King Family!

Getting prepped for the c-section... and very, very nervous I might add.
Doesn't he look cute in scrubs!
While in the O.R...
In recovery... very proud mommy
Our baby boy... and in the homemade hat that the nurses gave us.
Our little family :)
Both my boys.... oh so cute.
It's like looking in a mirror...

After I was able to put some make-up on :)
I love this one...
Oh, I love this one so much...
This one too :)

Big yawn
Our first family outing... to the arboretum in Fullerton

If you can't read Joshua's onesie... it says: Handsome, just like daddy :)
And me, feeling a little bit more rested after being able to take a shower at home.
That's all for now... There will be tons more I'm sure. And I'll post our delivery story soon too I hope.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 23rd it is!

Well, this Friday is the big day! It's so surreal... I can't believe we're going to have a baby in two days! yikes! Based on my doctor appointments last week, my fluid levels have grown even more, and it has affected my blood pressure, so they had told me they really want to get me delivered this week. I was pushing for earlier in the week, but the doctor/hospital's schedule would only allow for Friday. Because of the baby's projected size, and my fluid levels, and the fact that I'm not dilated at all... they don't want me to go another week. Which, to be honest, I'm more than ok with. I think I'm pretty much done with this... although, now that it's set in stone, I think I might miss it a little bit. So, I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. I did nothing but dream about it last night, as I tossed and turned. I just have to keep reminding myself that people do this everyday, and everyday babies are born... I'm not the first one to go through a c-section! I just keep asking God to calm my heart, and help me rest in Him.

That being said, I'm SO unbelievably bummed that I'm going to have to miss my very good friend, Amber's wedding :( I was really hoping that I'd make it past it, or at least deliver early (like the doctor's had been hoping for) so that I could at least be at their wedding. It truly sucks to have no control over this particular situation. Sort of bitter sweet, because I'm SO excited to have a baby, our very first baby... but I'm bummed that I will miss Amber's very special day.

Last Saturday, I got up when Jude got up to go to work, so I could get my glucose test done ... it was really early! I had to fast for this test, so the doctor told me to go in the morning. I thought, getting there by 7am would be perfect... in and out... NOT so much. I got there, and the line was out the door. I waited an hour and a half just to have them call my name and get my paperwork! THEN, they drew blood and I had to drink that nasty solution stuff and wait ANOTHER hour for them to take more blood. talk about a nightmare. And the only reason I had to do this again was because they wanted to make sure that I wasn't diabetic... which would explain my high fluid levels. The doctor called me on Monday and said: we got your results from the glucose test, and everything's normal. GREAT, so I wasted my whole Saturday morning for no reason! I'm not bitter!

Just thought I'd rant and rave a little bit! :)

Anyway, I think that's all for now! Please keep us in your prayers this Friday, and in the weeks to come. So Crazy!! :)


Monday, May 19, 2008

The Baby's Room :)

Well, here are pictures of my favorite room in the house! Like I said before, Jude surprised me, and painted the baby's room all by himself. I wasn't aloud in until he finished! I thought we were just doing a chair rail, but he went above and beyond (as usual), and did a white picket fence! He painted a beautiful tree, and clouds all throughout the room. It's simply adorable! I hope you can get a feel for how amazing it looks by the pictures I'm about to post! The only thing we're missing at this point is curtains... which my mom said she'd make for us. And once we get our crib, my mom made all the bedding for us, and I know it'll look adorable too! So here you go... in no particular order... our baby's room!

If you look closely, Jude put our initials in the tree :)
and in the clouds... :)

I think Bosco is a little jealous!
I love the tree!
This is what you see as you enter the room
There it is! I love to just sit in there, and look around! We're all ready for Baby Joshua!

Here I am at 36 weeks, and half of Kyla's head :)