Monday, October 29, 2007

9 weeks and counting

Well, yesterday was 9 weeks for me, and every week that goes by, i feel better and better about the baby's health/stability. My first doctor's appointment is November 8th, the day before my birthday! I'm excited to see the doctor, and ask her a bunch of questions. by then i'll be just about 11 weeks! It's still so hard to grasp, that i am going to be a mom... that's a very hard concept for me. I'm feeling very excited and nervous at the same time.

I found my first stretch mark a couple days ago... which kinda makes me sad, but what can you do. I've started taking baths in 'body butter' :) I'm feeling pretty thick around the middle, and some of my clothes are just not comfortable anymore. I get into PJ's as often as possible! This morning, i waited a little too long to eat something, and i wasn't feeling well at all. But now, after lunch, i'm feeling fine, just tired. I need to start walking regularly, and i really want to take pre-natal yoga. My goal is to have a natural child birth, so i figure, i better start preparing for it. I've started a routine of having to get up every night to use the restroom. For the past 4 nights at least. I'm not used to that at all! And then when i get back in bed, my mind is racing with a million different thoughts, and it's hard to go back to sleep.

My friend gave me a test to take at 10 weeks, to determine the sex of the baby! It's something like 85% accurate... so i probably won't go out and start buying clothes, but it's fun all the same!

This is the last week that we'll be in our little house on Cornell Ave. Saturday is the big moving day! My parents came over to the new house this past weekend, and helped clean, and my dad repaired some things as well. And some friends came over and helped paint too, which we appreciate very much! I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything that has to get done this week... but i know, somehow, it will all get done. Jude has been doing so much... my life saver! He's at home right now packing up the rest of the kitchen and painting the bathroom back to white. I feel bad that i haven't been able to help as much as i normally would, but hey... i'm carrying our child... and that's a pretty important job! :)

Kyla thinks that we should paint the baby room purple... she's convinced that it's a girl! Cole said: if it's a boy, you should paint it blue! they are very excited to have a cousin!

I can't help but think about Josh even more than i normally do. I never invisioned 'growing up' without him in my life. I know he would have been so excited to find out that i am pregnant. He was a great uncle... always loved holding and playing with the kids. It's hard to think about, and makes me miss him even more. Doesn't seem fair does it?

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Monday, October 22, 2007

well, here we go...

Hello all! We had a very exciting week this past week, Jude and I found out we are going to have a baby! I thought blogging about it might be a fun way to document my journey in carrying our baby, and this way, our family that lives out of town can keep updated as well.

I'm 8 weeks and one day, and my "un-official due date" is June 1st. I'm a little anxious about the due date, because i'm in my friend's wedding May 24th... i'm going to do my best! My doctor is suppose to call me on Wednesday to schedule my first visit. However, last week i had an ultrasound so they could determine how far along i was, and i got to see the heartbeat of our little bean of a baby! It was so amazing, it is still so unreal that the little heartbeat i saw on the screen is inside of me, and our baby! Simply a miracle, and nothing less. I wish Jude could have come with me, but he said he doesn't want to miss any other doctor appointments! I feel so blessed to be a part of this phenomenon. I'm still quite nervous about the idea of miscarriage. I just keep praying against it at this point.

So far, I'm feeling pretty good. I noticed that i'm tired more than usual, and in the morning i'm queasy until about lunch time. I learned quickly, that as long as i have some food in my tummy, i feel pretty good. i have had to pee much more often, and it's uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach, which i'm really sad about! The smell of seafood, like at the grocery store, grosses me out, and brushing my teeth also has made me gag.

It's all very exciting. Jude is so proud, already! It's very cute. We are moving too, and yes, i do have great timing don't I? We found a house to rent about 8 blocks away from where we live now. It's a great house, with three bedrooms, and a great back yard. It has a pool!! That is probably the best feature as far as i'm concerned. Jude is busy painting, becuase i can not! He's also taking 15 units and working full-time... he amazes me! Our move in date is November 3rd.

Anyway, that's all i have for now.