This is what the King's have been up to lately:

We started the whole potty training process with Josh. I wasn't ever really in a hurry, but just kinda felt like it was the right time. He started to hate getting his diaper changed, and I was kinda tired of changing big kid diapers anyway! He's been doing really well! We still have some accidents, but I'm very proud of him. I think the key is consistency. And I realized the reason why i didn't start earlier, was because i am very lazy :) At the beginning, and even sometimes now, I take the blame for most of the accidents, because I lose my consistency.

He's talking a lot too. Full sentences, and i love it... most of the time ;) It's definitely a hard age, because he has opinions now, and knows what he wants or doesn't want. One day, if i heard "no me want to" one more time, I probably would have hurt somebody! And like tonight, we went to down town disney for a little while, and he HAD to hold his sunglasses, and have the hood of his sweatshirt on his head... the whole time! hilarious, and so cute that he is becoming his own little person! He loves to mimic Jude's every move too, which is adorable, and kinda scary at the same time! He's really into Toy Story right now, and grandma bought him his very own Sheriff Woody doll... which he LOVES! He's sleeping great too, and it feels like so long ago that i would PLEAD with God to help him sleep through the night. My little boy is growing up so fast.

Isaac is sitting up now, and kind of army crawling around a little bit. He's really good about sitting up, and playing with toys by himself. He lasts even longer at that when his big brother is close by to entertain him :) He's really a happy baby, and is very interactive now. He fake coughs now, and smiles easily, to most people ;) he's been having separation anxiety a bit with me... but I'm pretty sure that's normal. He LOVES to pull my hair and bite my chin... and now that he has teeth, it hurts a lot! He has 7 teeth all together. He's eating fruits and veggies, and is not picky at all. He started to self feed too, with baby puffs and some of those Gerber yogurt melts. and of course, thinks it's so funny to throw them off of his high chair too! I call him my wet noodle, because he loves to just throw his body backwards and hang upside down... i could just squeeze him!! It's really fun to see the differences in their personalities.

Jude and I are doing well too. I've realized how important it is to stay connected as a married couple when you have little ones. It can happen so easily, because you're busy with the kids, and then tired after the kids are in bed! We do our best to make time for each other... even if it's just chatting before bed time, or something like that.
Life with two kids is much different than just one. I remember being told that while i was pregnant with Isaac, but you really don't get it, until you're there for yourself. Some days i find myself barely hanging on... and then other days, it's great! thank goodness my parents are close by! A lot of days, while jude is at work, I'll retreat over to their house, just to get a breather... and to have extra arms around to help me! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids! So very much. But some days are tough :) I try to remind myself to cherish every second, whether it's good or bad, because before I know it, my two little baby boys will be grown. And, I'll probably even miss these years!
Anyway... That's where we're at!
They are best friends already :)

1 comment:
Great update, adorable kiddos! xo, Kristy
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