We had a great time with family. There were lots of kids josh's age, so it was so fun to see them all play together. I was so glad they got to meet everybody, and especially great grandpa. We took some really great pictures with grandpa. When we got back home, we were saying a prayer for our meal at dinner time, and i was about to say "amen" when Josh said: "and great grandpa too." So cute! I love Washington, and being able to spend time with our family. I am always a bit "homesick" when i get back to CA, just because I love it so much.

As it turns out, it's a lot of work to travel with kids! I don't see that happening again, any time soon! Isaac's sleep habits totally changed, and he no longer sucks his thumb and goes to sleep. I used to brag about how easy he was (serves me right i guess). Now, he cries for about 15 minutes every single time i lay him down to sleep. But I'm sticking with it... and hoping that eventually, he'll just lay down and go to sleep like he used to.
I have a question to any mom's out there who are/have potty trained children. I'm feeling very discouraged at the moment, and I'm wondering if what we're experiencing is somewhat "normal" for potty training. Josh goes pee in the potty just fine... it's great! However, he poops in his pants all the time. I don't know what to do at this point. Will he just "get it" eventually? Or are there tricks out there that i should try that I don't know about? Is it always hard for kids to learn to poop in the potty? If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!
Other fun stuff I forgot to mention in my last post ...
Joshy counts to ten! One day, he even made it to 20, but skipped a couple of numbers in between :) We're working on colors and shapes etc. I have flash cards that we've been working with. I also want to do some number and letter cut outs and hang them in his room. He's like a sponge... so might as well :) He really likes sesame street right now, and that show is great for learning letters and numbers! He loves his daddy too... which is just adorable. This past work week for Jude, every day Josh got up from his nap, he would ask for Daddy, and then say: "me need daddy"... so cute.

Isaac claps his hands now, whenever you sing Patty cake. And he says: Da-da-da-da. No mama yet, but I'm working on it! While we're eating, I'll ask him if he wants more (with baby sign language) and he'll start clapping, which is pretty close to "more" so i count it as signing!! :)

I'm really looking forward to the fall season, and all the holidays coming up. The weather has been so nice and cool this week... i just love it!
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