Isaac Jude is growing, and growing fast. I'm 36 1/2 weeks along now. We have a scheduled c-section on February 23, at 12:30pm. I'm hoping I don't go into labor before then! Both our baby boys will be born on the 23rd of the month... which is kinda cool i guess! We scheduled it for a Tuesday, just so Jude can have the most time off with me as possible. I'm going to need all the help i can get! At this point, I'm pretty ready to have this baby. Right now, pregnancy is just uncomfortable, and like I've said before... I think God made pregnancy the perfect amount of time, because by the end of it, you're READY to be done! You don't miss it! I've been lucky and had a very uneventful pregnancy. Our little boy is healthy, and everything looks great.
We got a 4D ultrasound of Isaac, and he looks SO much like little Josh did! We put the pictures together and it was hard to tell the difference! At least we know Isaac will be an adorable little boy :)
We've been busy getting Josh's big boy room put together and getting the nursery all ready for Isaac. Once it's done, I'll be sure to post pictures. We kept it the same, but we went with an airplane theme this time. Since the nursery was "outside" we thought it would fit just perfect, but also be a little bit different for our new baby boy. My mom has made an adorable airplane quilt, and made some wall hangings with airplanes and helicopters on them. Jude made some little wooden, toy airplanes too, which turned out great! We have them sitting on shelves.
My mom and sister are throwing me a baby shower this Sunday, which I'm excited about! It's always so fun to get together with friends who love you and love our little baby already. It's also nice, this time around, because i don't need nearly as much stuff as i did before. Which is much less stressful! I went through all of Josh's clothes, and organized them by size... who would have thought we had SO many clothes for just one little boy! They grow so fast, and with every season you need to buy new clothes for them to wear! It sure adds up! Hopefully Isaac and Josh will be on the same size/season :)
Jude's last day of his Field Training Officer Program is tonight! Can you believe it? It's been a long time coming! He will be on his own in his own patrol car starting this Sunday! He's looking forward to that! I'm so proud of him. He's worked so hard this past year to become a police officer, and provide for our family. I just can't tell you enough how PROUD I am of him. He was in the academy for 6 months, graduated on September 11, 2009 and then that next week started his FTO program at the city of Orange. He's been through 4 phases, and now he's done! The next step is getting through his probation (1 year). Jude was Class president in the academy, and at the graduation ceremony, he won the most prestigious award! It was so moving, i had tears in my eyes! He gave a speech and everything. Again... SO PROUD of him. I feel like our boys have such an amazing role model in Jude. I would be so happy for them to grow up and be just like their dad!
Joshua is growing up so fast. He's 20 months now, and everyday I look at him and think, how has my little baby gotten to be so big? He's talking a lot, saying lots of words. He throws and catches a football and basketball. He loves to watch and play hockey. He runs everywhere and just started jumping with both feet off the ground! This week, he started doing somersaults ... which is so fun to watch! He loves having his daddy home more often! Jude has three days off in a row now, and Joshy loves it! In the academy, some weeks he would work all 7 days, so now it's a much better change of pace. Joshy loves so deeply, and I can't tell you what it does to my heart when he comes up to give me a hug and a kiss, without me prompting! Before you become a mother, you have no idea the level of love that you will hold for your kids... it's simply amazing. I feel like i get a glimpse of what our heavenly father feels for us when i look at my son.
Josh is still not the best night time sleeper, but I've come to accept that. I just keep telling myself that one day, I'll have to drag him OUT of bed! ha! It's hard too, because he's gone through sickness, and teething...etc. I just keep hoping it'll get better and better. AND that's why I know that Isaac is going to be a great sleeper ;) I just keep speaking that into existence!
I was on my way home tonight with little Joshy, and for some reason, I thought about my brother. Luckily now, I can think about him and remember him without tears every time. But I remembered how he used to hug me really tight and kiss my cheek... to piss me off usually. And it wasn't just remembering, it was almost like i could feel him hug me while sitting in my car. The feeling was so strong, and it immediately brought a smile to my face. I remembered his facial hair scratching my cheek, and how tall and strong he was. An then I remembered how, when we were a little bit younger, I used to do the same thing to him. Hug and kiss him just to make him squirm. It brought me back to when i was 19 years old, living at home ... with absolutely no idea of what was to come... or how this life would unfold... and of course now, the tears are coming...
I miss my brother. It takes my breath away.
sorry to end on such a depressing note. I love when memories come to me, and I hope that somehow, I can show my kids how important it is to love each other. There is something so special about siblings, and I don't feel like I fully grasped that until "Uncle" Josh was taken from me.
And here are some pictures for your enjoyment :)
This is the three of us at Jude's graduation.
What a beautiful post. I check your blog all the time, and am so happy to read this update. You express perfectly and wonderfully what a blessing motherhood is, and how special family relationships are. I got teary eyed with your explanation of memories of Josh. He will always be missed and remembered fondly. He would be so proud of you and the great job you're doing as a mom. And I love the pictures; so great to see John & Jenny, and so unbelievable that their kids are so big already! I miss you all and am praying blessings and health for the last bit of pregnancy and arrival of Isaac. Lots of love to you all!
Thanks for not giving up on me kristy!! So many times, I've wanted to update the blog, but time is so precious to me! So good to hear from you, and again, thanks for reading and caring about my little family :)
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