Well, our baby boy is almost 8 months old now. And unfortunately, he's sick, once again. I thought that breastfeeding was suppose to help keep your baby healthy...? oh well, he's getting better now, with the help of antibiotics. I had to miss my friends baby shower today because he's still not doing well. What a bummer.
Our Christmas was awesome. I was kind of sad when it was all over, but also happy to get my house back to normal. I get tired of all the Christmas stuff. My most favorite part of Christmas, was on Christmas morning, when Jude, Josh and I were able to celebrate together. It was really fun, and just... great all the way around. We went to see Santa, and started some new traditions that we plan on keeping for future years to come. I was thinking back, and two Christmas' ago, we planned to start a family... then last Christmas, I was pregnant... this Christmas, we have a beautiful baby boy... I wonder what next Christmas will bring?? No, I'm not hinting at anything :) We sure have been blessed, and I can't even begin to express how thankful I am.
We rang in the new year with our friends, the Becketts, Freys and Parris'... and that was a lot of fun. Josh was a trooper and slept for most of it, and let mom and dad enjoy playing games with friends.
Jude took his very first Police Department test today for the City of Newport Beach, and he passed and has an interview on Thursday! He was so nervous, and Newport has a reputation of having the hardest testing around. He's so happy, as am I. This is just the first step, but we feel very encouraged all the same. He's been very diligent at working out and studying all he could. He's very motivated! I'm so proud of him, and knew he'd do an awesome job!
Here's some pictures of our big boy :) 

Will took some great photos of us too... I'll have to post those some other time :)
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