Anyway... Our baby boy is now five months old. And I seriously can't believe it! Time FLIES by so fast, and I look at him and can't believe he was in my belly all those months ago. At his four month check up, he weighed just under 18 pounds! He's at the 95% on the growth charts. He's such a big, strong boy! I never thought this would be possible, but I just keep loving him more and more every single day. He's become more and more in love with his daddy too, and I love to see that. He has always loved Jude, but now his face absolutely lights up when Jude comes home from work, or when ever he walks in the room. He'll even start to fuss if Jude walks out of the room. I love to see that bond grow between them. The way he looks at me still melts my heart completely, and his smile couldn't get any sweeter! He's such a happy baby, which I am so thankful for. He only gets crabby when he's tired or hungry. He's very active and alert, and always grabbing everything within his reach. It's really amazing how he's developing so quickly into a little boy, rather than a baby.
We had our annual halloween party this past friday, and Joshua dressed up as a ninja! Quite adorable! And just yesterday, was exactly a year from when we moved into our house. I can't believe it. I'm pretty sure around this time is when I started blogging... with the news of our pregnancy. Simply amazing how the days just speed by.
Joshua is napping so well, and we've got a great routine as far as that's concerned... however, sleeping through the night has become some what of an issue. It's been for a while now, and I don't know what to do. Most days I'm pretty tired because of having to get up with him multiple times during the night. crummy! But, I'm again, so thankful that I don't have to go to work after being up all night with Josh. Jude is such an amazing husband, father... provider... etc etc. I could go on and on about how lucky I am to be married to such a terrific man.
Joshua loves to blow bubbles now, and he's eating rice cereal once a day... which he loves! Josh is also taken with Bosco, and loves watching him run around the yard. The other night, Bosco was sniffing his hands, and Josh was cracking up because of it. When Bosco stopped, Josh reached his hands out to grab Bosco, and would laugh so hard... simply adorable. Jude and I just sat there laughing along with him. Bosco is such a good dog, and so good with Josh. Joshua is a going concern... he loves to roll around on the floor, and is very much interested in crawling. Right now he scoots really well, so I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before the crawling comes. We're pretty sure he's teething now too. He loves it when you rub your finger on his bottom gums. His new favorite toy is the jumperoo... he LOVES bouncing around in that thing.
Joshua had his first ear infection the week before last, and boy... was it rough. I felt so completely helpless for my little boy. We went to the doctor and he got his first antibiotic. Thankfully, he got better within a week.
Last weekend, Joshua, my mom and I went up north to my Aunt Peggy's house near Santa Cruz. Joshua did really well for his first road trip, and I was pleasantly surprised at how happy he was even though he didn't really get his regular naps etc. I was so glad that Joshua got to meet Aunt Peggy and Uncle Mike. On our way home, we were able to stop by my great aunt Martha's house too. Once again, it was great to see her, and I was so glad she got to meet Joshua.
I'm very much looking forward to the winter months, and Christmas. It's finally starting to cool down... we actually got rain last night! I know... crazy! It's actually starting to feel like autumn. I think Christmas this year is going to be so much fun with our son.
Anyway, That's all I have for now... I'll try to write again soon! :) Here are some great pics... I hope you enjoy!

Everybody loves a naked baby!

He's getting so big! I love the pictures - it looks like you guys are doing a great job. James & I love the ninja costume. And the naked baby picture - hilarious! Glad to see you're doing well. Hopefully he'll grow out of that waking-up-at-all-hours-of-the-night phase. :) Take care.
he was such a cute little ninja wish I could have been there to see in person! I love all the new pics. Yeah Josh can sit on his own!! :)
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