We had our first experience with bananas on Saturday night! The book I read about feeding babies said to encourage self feeding... So we did... and it was messy! He loved bananas though, and it was so cute watching him try to grab the food on his tray. Very cute. Jude and I had a good time just watching him. Just recently, every time I'm eating, he gets very irritated if I don't share with him! He'll start moving his arms and legs and open his mouth wide... waiting for me to shove something in there... so cute, but I feel so bad! So I've started feeding him cereal more often during the day... and like I said, we just started bananas. It's kind of fun starting something new, and seeing how much he enjoys it! My baby boy is getting so big!
He's been a little more fussy lately, and I think that it's just because he's still not feeling 100%... but who knows. It's all a guessing game really. It's funny how everyone asks me: "oh, is he teething?" As if I would know for sure or something. I just say... um, yeah, I think so?? Who knows? :) I even asked the doctor if there was a definite way of knowing if he was teething or not... and she looked at me like I was joking! ha!
He's new favorite thing to do is hold onto our hands and walk around the house. His little legs look so cute taking little steps. And then he'll even try to let go of our hands if he wants to grab something... quite a kid!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas time! I think I wrote this in my last post, but it's so fun to think about getting a tree and Christmas shopping for Josh... and I think he's going to have a blast opening his presents too! I just love the holidays, and I think it will be so much fun with our baby boy.
Jude continues to be such an amazing husband and father. He's working so hard and even on his days off cooks dinner for us and cleans up. And I really love watching him with Josh. I just love being a family, and I look forward to the years to come. A friend of mine shared a quote with me and I love it: When you're a mom, the days are long, but the years are short. My baby boy is only six months old, and I can already relate to that so well.
This next weekend, we're going to be getting family pictures taken down at Laguna Beach with our fabulous photographer friend, Will Parris (parris-studios.com). I'm really looking forward to that!
Also, lately, Joshua has been reaching out for me... So sweet! And he's been giving kisses too... such a sweet boy! :) Ok... That's all for now, I still have to post some more halloween pictures... and some birthday pictures too... I'll try to get on that :)
I absolutely love this picture of Josh.