We're so excited to announce that Baby King is a BOY! We had our ultrasound appointment yesterday, and it was just what I needed at the time. We cried, and Jude laughed out loud when the doctor said it was a boy, and pointed at the evidence of him being a boy. I believe her exact words were: "well, that's hard to miss. It's a boy!" She said he was very cooperative in that respect, and such a 'mover.' We probably heard that like 15 times! It was so cool to see him moving around in there, and his whole body is so perfect. I can't help but feel like I'm participating in a miracle. The first ultrasound I had, he was just a little bean, with a heartbeat... and now, he's a little human! Once I saw him on the screen, I didn't care so much that I had to pee SO bad! But it sure did feel good once i got to relieve myself. Here are a few pictures of our Little Josh. Although he looks a bit like an alien, I find him simply adorable!
This last week has been tough on me. Jude's sister has a son, Tyquon, and she isn't doing a great job of taking care of him, so we have him for now. It's really a lot harder than I expected. Like I said in my earlier posts, I've been so emotional about it. I had an idea or fantasy, if you will, of what our life was going to look like, especially now that we're expecting, and I'm really having a hard time letting go of that fantasy. I'd even take it as far as saying that I'm grieving the loss of that. I feel invaded even... like my house isn't my own. I don't mean to sound dramatic, because i usually try to steer clear of any drama... but I'm just being honest. Jude and I had a really good thing going on... and now it's just not the same. And at the same time, I don't really have a choice in the matter... talk about frustrating, and feeling very much alone. So please, keep us in your prayers. My family and friends have been so great in helping us out and supporting us, so thank you for that. I know that the "right" thing to do, is trust that God will take care of it. I need to trust that everything will work out... but right now, I guess I'm just not ready for that. And you wouldn't believe how many times I've heard: God won't give you anything you can't handle... and I'm not at the point yet either. So anyway... that's what's going on in our lives. And my plan is to just enjoy my pregnancy, and focus on the amazing miracle that is inside of me... and I think that will help me get through the day.
Sorry to be such a downer at the end of a very exciting announcement.
sarah darling. of course it's a boy! I just knew it from the moment I heard you were having a baby. He is just going to be the most loved baby ever :)
Also, I know when you are upset people are always tring to tell you that it will end soon and things will get better don't worry (at least I get told that a lot) but I want you to know that sometimes things suck and that is just an important part of life. However, that doesn't mean you have to go through it alone. If you ever need anything, you always have me, I hope you know that.
Your very wise mom once said if you know someone is hurting and you say "call me if you need anthing" It's like a cop-out because maybe that person isn't in a place where they feel comfortable asking for help. So I am going to call you soon and put my money where my mouth is :)
love you sarah, sorry I wrote a book!
Oh my gosh he's the cutest little terminator I've ever seen! I can't help but tear up :) I'm so thrilled for you! I just can't wait to see him - I hope he has red hair and freckles! Ha Ha
We'll continue praying for you, and don't worry about being dramatic - as women we deserve to be sometimes! I say take it in and recognize all you're feeling (pain, anger, sadness) then learn to deal with it from there. I just know it'll all work out, even though it's so hard to see it now. Love you!
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