Today is Jude and my 9th dating anniversary! Isn't that exciting! It's kind of fun to take a walk down memory lane on days like today. We were driving back to Long Beach, and we were in the back of the red Toyota truck, while my mom was driving, and Josh was in the passenger seat, and he asked me to be his girlfriend :) Quite sweet don't you think? :) I was 16 and Jude was 17 years old. And now, we're happily married, and have been for 4 1/2 years, and expecting our first baby! Time flies when you're having fun! It's funny, but from the very beginning, I knew we'd be together forever... aw, so sweet.
Baby Joshua is moving around quite a bit, Jude has yet to be able to feel him on the outside of my belly, but I'm sure that will come soon. I think another belly photo shoot is in order, and yes I know, I need to post them. Our good friend Will Parris (Parris-studios.com) has been so kind to offer to do a belly photo shoot for us, so we'll have to figure out a good day to do that. I told him that he'd just have to photo shop out my double chin :)
Sleeping has become more and more uncomfortable. And I've always been someone who really needs sleep. Hopefully a body pillow will help support my belly, so my back won't ache all night long anymore... ugh! My aunt had given us a brand new changing table that she never even used, so Jude put that together yesterday... it's so much fun! This next week we're planning on starting to paint again and cleaning out Joshua's room. We started the baby registry process last Friday, as I mentioned, and it was so much fun! I think it may even be more fun than registering for a wedding! So many cute things, Jude and I had a great time, and we were pooped afterwards!
Jude is such an awesome husband. He's just so great, and especially now, with everything that's going on... I can't even explain how truly wonderful he is to me. I love you so much honey!
I've had quite an appetite lately... it's almost comical to see me pack my lunch. ha ha! Speaking of food, I think it's time for my mid-morning snack :)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Almost 22 weeks!
Well, I'm definitely looking pregnant! I think I've finally 'popped' as they say. It's a little harder for me than i expected. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, and feeling the baby move... but I see my reflection, and can't believe that it's me! It's so crazy! It's just my insecurities I suppose. I think I mentioned this before, but I have really enjoyed the second trimester so far! I'm feeling really good. I think I do need to start walking more though... and breaking out the yoga exercise video as well. At my last doctor appointment, we got all the information to pre-register at St. Jude, so I need to start looking through all of that information. I'm looking forward to taking classes too, I think that will be fun for Jude and I. I'm very excited, today, Jude and I are going to register at Babies R Us! So much fun! This last week, my sister has designed the baby shower invitation too! It's so exciting! I can't believe that we are planning baby showers for me! That's so hard for me to wrap my head around! In the next few weeks, Jude and I are really going to try to get the garage organized and finish painting etc. I think once that's done, I will feel more at ease.
Life is still stressful, maybe more so for me. And I'll admit, I don't always have the best attitude about the whole situation. Some days are better than others, but there are times when I still feel very jipped (I'm not sure about the spelling). I guess it is starting to feel more 'normal'... but then I don't like that either. It's quite a vicious circle isn't it? Right now, Jude and I are just praying that at the end of these 5 months, that Tyquon's mom will get her act together and be able to take care of her son. PLEASE pray with us! We're in the process of getting some financial help from the state, which we really need as far as the day care situation goes. So we'll see what happens and how soon we can get this going. Tyquon had a rough week last week at school, so we started a 'star chart' to reward his good behavior... and it has worked wonders! Thankfully, the teachers say he's doing really well in school now.
The closer I get to my due date, the more nervous I get about what our "plan" is, as far as my work situation goes. For probably the first time EVER, I am worried and Jude is not... very strange to change rolls all of a sudden! So we'll see what happens there as well. I know that God has always taken care of us, but I just hope he knows the time frame we're working with! ha! I crack myself up :)
Well, I'm definitely looking pregnant! I think I've finally 'popped' as they say. It's a little harder for me than i expected. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, and feeling the baby move... but I see my reflection, and can't believe that it's me! It's so crazy! It's just my insecurities I suppose. I think I mentioned this before, but I have really enjoyed the second trimester so far! I'm feeling really good. I think I do need to start walking more though... and breaking out the yoga exercise video as well. At my last doctor appointment, we got all the information to pre-register at St. Jude, so I need to start looking through all of that information. I'm looking forward to taking classes too, I think that will be fun for Jude and I. I'm very excited, today, Jude and I are going to register at Babies R Us! So much fun! This last week, my sister has designed the baby shower invitation too! It's so exciting! I can't believe that we are planning baby showers for me! That's so hard for me to wrap my head around! In the next few weeks, Jude and I are really going to try to get the garage organized and finish painting etc. I think once that's done, I will feel more at ease.
Life is still stressful, maybe more so for me. And I'll admit, I don't always have the best attitude about the whole situation. Some days are better than others, but there are times when I still feel very jipped (I'm not sure about the spelling). I guess it is starting to feel more 'normal'... but then I don't like that either. It's quite a vicious circle isn't it? Right now, Jude and I are just praying that at the end of these 5 months, that Tyquon's mom will get her act together and be able to take care of her son. PLEASE pray with us! We're in the process of getting some financial help from the state, which we really need as far as the day care situation goes. So we'll see what happens and how soon we can get this going. Tyquon had a rough week last week at school, so we started a 'star chart' to reward his good behavior... and it has worked wonders! Thankfully, the teachers say he's doing really well in school now.
The closer I get to my due date, the more nervous I get about what our "plan" is, as far as my work situation goes. For probably the first time EVER, I am worried and Jude is not... very strange to change rolls all of a sudden! So we'll see what happens there as well. I know that God has always taken care of us, but I just hope he knows the time frame we're working with! ha! I crack myself up :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
We're half way there!
Well, I'm at 20 weeks and two days now! I can't believe it. I'm feeling a little behind with everything I'd like to have done before I get too huge. I still feel like our house is not in order, and that annoys me to some degree. I was rattling off the list to Jude, of things we need to get done, and he said I was making his head hurt! ha! It's so crazy that we're going to have a baby! AND, in only 5 months! aye carumba!
I'm feeling very good however. The second trimester has treated me well. My nose is still stuffy in the morning, but I can deal with that. I had my first maternity shopping experience on Sunday. It was time to buy jeans that fit... possibly a little overdue. I had worn the same jeans pretty much every time we went anywhere, because they were the only ones that were semi-comfortable. I have to admit, I was a little bit sad when I had to walk by all of the cute, "normal sized" clothes! But I was able to find two pairs of pants and only had to pay about $20, thanks to my gift cards! woohoo! My face is still breaking out... but not as much as before. I talked to a girl at church, and she said she had the SAME experience. Then her 3rd trimester came, and she cleared right up. I'm hoping that's the case with me too.
Life at the King's home is still kind of crazy. And I'm still really trying to be positive, and not think so much about myself... but it's hard. Sometimes I feel like if I don't think about myself, then no one else will. I feel like Jude and I are so tired by the time Ty goes to bed... and so our 'quality time' is definitely something that I miss tremendously. Everyone keeps saying that "our lives would have been over soon anyway..." but I don't think they understand how very different it is. There is an order in place for a reason... and when things go out of order... it's much harder to deal with. (it's funny because the virtue this month for the kids at church is "orderliness"... kind of appropriate don't you think?) Anyway... to say the least, we are doing better... but I still find myself wishing that we just didn't have to deal with any of this. I do miss my old life, but the only way I get through the day is by not thinking about that.
Until next time... :)
I'm feeling very good however. The second trimester has treated me well. My nose is still stuffy in the morning, but I can deal with that. I had my first maternity shopping experience on Sunday. It was time to buy jeans that fit... possibly a little overdue. I had worn the same jeans pretty much every time we went anywhere, because they were the only ones that were semi-comfortable. I have to admit, I was a little bit sad when I had to walk by all of the cute, "normal sized" clothes! But I was able to find two pairs of pants and only had to pay about $20, thanks to my gift cards! woohoo! My face is still breaking out... but not as much as before. I talked to a girl at church, and she said she had the SAME experience. Then her 3rd trimester came, and she cleared right up. I'm hoping that's the case with me too.
Life at the King's home is still kind of crazy. And I'm still really trying to be positive, and not think so much about myself... but it's hard. Sometimes I feel like if I don't think about myself, then no one else will. I feel like Jude and I are so tired by the time Ty goes to bed... and so our 'quality time' is definitely something that I miss tremendously. Everyone keeps saying that "our lives would have been over soon anyway..." but I don't think they understand how very different it is. There is an order in place for a reason... and when things go out of order... it's much harder to deal with. (it's funny because the virtue this month for the kids at church is "orderliness"... kind of appropriate don't you think?) Anyway... to say the least, we are doing better... but I still find myself wishing that we just didn't have to deal with any of this. I do miss my old life, but the only way I get through the day is by not thinking about that.
Until next time... :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
what a difference a day makes...
Thank you for all the encouraging words, it really means a lot to me to know we have such great friends. I feel SO much better today, and there is no other way to explain it, other than being an answer to prayer. This has to be happening for a reason, and I'm almost certain it's a lesson in selflessness (I'm always the last one to figure these things out). Jude and I have gotten closer through all this, which is a good thing, and makes me more confidant that with each other, we can do this. I've just been praying for God to soften and change my heart, and to be open to His plan, instead of mine. And honestly, I feel pretty darn good about it. I kind of feel silly writing a blog about this... but I thought I should give an update. I know it's a journey, and I'll probably be on a roller coaster for a while, but I'm getting there...slowly but surely. So, thank you for your prayers, and please... keep it up!
In other news... We are so excited about our baby boy! I could have watched that monitor screen all day long. Jude said he wants to bring a video camera next time. It was so sweet, yesterday Jude and I were talking about how amazing it is, and he said, that was probably one of the best days of my life. Such an adorable man!
I'm feeling the baby move more and more, and my belly is popping out more and more as well! We had our doctor appointment before the ultrasound, and she said everything looks good. His heart rate was at 145, and I've actually LOST three pounds. She said that's nothing to worry about, but to keep taking care of myself. We told her that it was probably due to stress.
I'm looking into maternity leave more and more as well, trying to prepare. Ideally I would love if I didn't have to go back to work, so we'll see what happens. My job has been a bit stressful lately too, just what i need, right?
Anyway, thanks again for all the support and prayers. I feel really blessed to have such great family and friends.
In other news... We are so excited about our baby boy! I could have watched that monitor screen all day long. Jude said he wants to bring a video camera next time. It was so sweet, yesterday Jude and I were talking about how amazing it is, and he said, that was probably one of the best days of my life. Such an adorable man!
I'm feeling the baby move more and more, and my belly is popping out more and more as well! We had our doctor appointment before the ultrasound, and she said everything looks good. His heart rate was at 145, and I've actually LOST three pounds. She said that's nothing to worry about, but to keep taking care of myself. We told her that it was probably due to stress.
I'm looking into maternity leave more and more as well, trying to prepare. Ideally I would love if I didn't have to go back to work, so we'll see what happens. My job has been a bit stressful lately too, just what i need, right?
Anyway, thanks again for all the support and prayers. I feel really blessed to have such great family and friends.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
IT'S A BOY!!!!
We're so excited to announce that Baby King is a BOY! We had our ultrasound appointment yesterday, and it was just what I needed at the time. We cried, and Jude laughed out loud when the doctor said it was a boy, and pointed at the evidence of him being a boy. I believe her exact words were: "well, that's hard to miss. It's a boy!" She said he was very cooperative in that respect, and such a 'mover.' We probably heard that like 15 times! It was so cool to see him moving around in there, and his whole body is so perfect. I can't help but feel like I'm participating in a miracle. The first ultrasound I had, he was just a little bean, with a heartbeat... and now, he's a little human! Once I saw him on the screen, I didn't care so much that I had to pee SO bad! But it sure did feel good once i got to relieve myself. Here are a few pictures of our Little Josh. Although he looks a bit like an alien, I find him simply adorable!
This last week has been tough on me. Jude's sister has a son, Tyquon, and she isn't doing a great job of taking care of him, so we have him for now. It's really a lot harder than I expected. Like I said in my earlier posts, I've been so emotional about it. I had an idea or fantasy, if you will, of what our life was going to look like, especially now that we're expecting, and I'm really having a hard time letting go of that fantasy. I'd even take it as far as saying that I'm grieving the loss of that. I feel invaded even... like my house isn't my own. I don't mean to sound dramatic, because i usually try to steer clear of any drama... but I'm just being honest. Jude and I had a really good thing going on... and now it's just not the same. And at the same time, I don't really have a choice in the matter... talk about frustrating, and feeling very much alone. So please, keep us in your prayers. My family and friends have been so great in helping us out and supporting us, so thank you for that. I know that the "right" thing to do, is trust that God will take care of it. I need to trust that everything will work out... but right now, I guess I'm just not ready for that. And you wouldn't believe how many times I've heard: God won't give you anything you can't handle... and I'm not at the point yet either. So anyway... that's what's going on in our lives. And my plan is to just enjoy my pregnancy, and focus on the amazing miracle that is inside of me... and I think that will help me get through the day.
Sorry to be such a downer at the end of a very exciting announcement.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
what a week...
I don't want to exaggerate, but last week was very, very, very hard on me. I don't want to say the hardest week of my life... because who am I kidding... it doesn't even compare to the hardest week of my life. But, unfortunately, this week doesn't look like it's going to be any better than the last. It doesn't help that I'm very emotional... which i conveniently blame on the baby. I'm really trying to be positive, but at the same time, find myself not wanting to deal with any of it. Again, sorry to be ambiguous, but i don't really want to go into it right now... seeing as I'm trying really hard to pull myself together, while I'm at work.
Today is the ultrasound appointment. I'm a little worried about it, I just want the baby to be healthy. Hopefully we'll find out if we should buy pink or blue clothing.
Keep us in your prayers, it's greatly appreciated!
Today is the ultrasound appointment. I'm a little worried about it, I just want the baby to be healthy. Hopefully we'll find out if we should buy pink or blue clothing.
Keep us in your prayers, it's greatly appreciated!
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