Jude is in the academy, and half way done now! Yippee! He graduates on September 11th, and I'll just be out of my first trimester by then. I'm very happy that i won't be large during the summer months, we really couldn't have planned it better :) Jude is doing well, of course! And in the top 5 of his class. It's hard for him to be away so much, but we're making the best of it, and we see and end date in sight.
I haven't felt sick at all, just really tired lately. I feel like I'm cherishing the time I have with Josh even more now, because I know it's not just going to be the two of us for long. And I have to be honest, that kinda makes me sad. We've been partners the last several months, and i know this sounds silly, but I'm sad that he won't have my full attention. Ha! Even as I say that, it sounds funny, but it's true. I know he'll adjust just fine, it's just sad to think about right now for me... and that may be the hormones talking :)
Joshua is sleeping like an angel, and I'm SO glad I trained him how to sleep. I think with number 2, we'll do that much sooner than 9 months... with two kids, I think it'll be something i HAVE to do!
We are enjoying the pool very much, and trying to stay cool in this hot weather! We had a fabulous first birthday party for Joshua, and I can't believe it's over already. Time flies by! We did a "fun in the sun" themed pool party. Josh wanted nothing to do with the gifts, which surprised me!
Joshy got his first haircut a few weeks ago too, and now has 7 teeth!
Here's a picture of 'we three kings', on Josh's actual birthday. We went to Irvine park, just the three of us :) 
That's all for now, I'll try to write more frequently :)